Magazine Mosaics

For this project, you will select a subject to depict in a magazine mosaic. You will ZOOM in on a portion of your chosen subject to create an interesting composition. Your subject must go off of the page (or break the edges) a minimum of three times. Subjects could include nature, animals, portraits, or objects such as sneakers, food or a car. Incorporate shading, small details and a color harmony into your finished collage!

Examples of Zoomed compositions (these are not done with collaged magazines but will give you a good idea of how your line drawing of your chosen subject should fill up the page before you begin collaging):
Follow ‘s board zoom on Pinterest.//


From Collages

After looking at examples of ancient and contemporary glass mosaics, students chose a subject to collage with a mosaic effect.  Using torn or cut magazine pieces, they developed their chosen composition with color and texture. Here are examples from past students.
Student work from 2011:

Handout for the Magazine Mosaic Project: